Friday, July 11, 2014

Of Books and Memories

I have nothing against e-books.  I have actually read several.  And technology makes it more convenient, especially when travelling, as you don’t have to lug a thick pocketbook.

Call me old-fashioned or even Jurassic, but I do miss holding a book.  The warmth created holding one after several hours of reading is soothing.  It makes me feel part of the story, as if I were truly there myself.  I miss the feel of the pages as I turn them with so much expectancy. I feel a surge of adrenalin rush as I can't wait to find out what happens next.

And then, there is the scent of ink as I turn the pages - that slightly irritating and invasive smell of printed matter. This connects me to the author, as if he wrote the book only for me.  My over imaginative mind sees myself talking to the writer over a cup of java on a rainy afternoon.  Such bliss.... such privilege!

I have a habit of putting bunny ears on pages that I find meaningful.  I even highlight passages I consider moving and beautiful.  All these enable me to return to these pages to read over and over again.  Marginal notes on the pages - inscribing therein my insights and reflections, are sure signs a book belongs to me.  I reread favorite books after a few years.  Imagine my joy at finding out how I felt and thought years back. My notes sort of become a journal into my inner self. 

I wonder if our children even use bookmarks these days.  When I was younger, I remember how my friends and I would give each other bookmarks. They were delightful gifts - beautiful quotes and dainty designs on colorful paper.  Using them made reading more interesting and memorable.

There is a sense of joy I feel looking at my books lined up on a shelf.  You can be sure that the tattered ones are my favorites.  Seeing them is like seeing my favorite book characters leap to life, reliving a memorable part of a story, and realizing what important life lessons they have taught me.

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